PASS Updates COVID-19 Testing Guidelines for Fully Vaccinated Individuals
LOS ANGELES — Following a vote last night by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board to accept proposed changes to their COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards, PASS is no longer recommending COVID-19 testing for fully vaccinated individuals as part of its production guidelines.
Last night, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted to accept the proposed changes to their COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards. Following that vote, PASS is no longer recommending COVID-19 testing for fully vaccinated individuals as part of its production guidelines. Producers should speak with an attorney about their specific risk and local regulations prior to changing policy.
However, the following guidelines remain in effect until further notice:
- All people, including those fully vaccinated, should be screened for symptoms prior to being allowed on set
- Face coverings are still recommended
- COVID-19 testing within 48 hours prior to production for talent and crew who have not been fully vaccinated
Cal/OSHA revised standards made additional updates, including face covering and social distancing requirements, that are expected to go into effect June 15. PASS will be issuing additional updates to its guidelines as we know more.
The changes to the production guidelines, including more detailed protocols, definitions, vaccination verification protocols, and legal and medical record-keeping regulations related to testing and vaccination, can be found here.
Industry members who wish to have their fully vaccinated status appear in the PASS database may now do so by submitting their ID and a copy of their vaccination record card through a secure webform. Participation in the PASS database and vaccine verification is completely voluntary.
We are also conducting a short two-question survey on vaccination rates in the industry, which you can find here.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please use our feedback form and we’ll get back to you shortly. We’ll be following up with an FAQ to address outstanding industry questions soon.