PASS Issues Statement on Vaccination Recommendation Update
LOS ANGELES — PASS has issued a statement about a possible upcoming change to vaccination recommendations for adult sets.
PASS guidelines will no longer require COVID-19 testing for fully-vaccinated individuals on set pending the adoption by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board of the proposed changes to the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards on June 3.
All other safety protocols should remain in place, including symptom screening, social distancing and masking when necessary.
“Increased vaccination rates can help us finally return to pre-pandemic protocols,” said Ian O’Brien, Executive Director of PASS. “While not everyone yet has access to the vaccine, we encourage those who are able to do so to protect themselves and the production community.”
PASS is currently in the process of making it possible to submit and view verification of fully-vaccinated status in its database.
The changes to the guidance, including more detailed protocols, definitions, vaccination verification protocols, and legal and medical record-keeping regulations related to testing and vaccination, can be found here.
There is the possibility that Cal/OSHA may reject the proposed changes, and we will update our guidance if and when they do so.