Jupiter Jetson Stars for Evolved Fights, ShopLyfterMYLF
LOS ANGELES — Jupiter Jetson takes on the undefeated Oliver David in the latest bout from Evolved Fights.
Jetson, the newcomer, meets David, who has a background in wrestling and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Despite this difference, though, the match was “definitely a nailbiter, and super-close. Oliver had no idea what was in store for him when he went head-to-head with this fierce babe,” a rep said.
Watch the “Jupiter Jetson vs. Oliver David” trailer and view some 130 photos at EvolvedFights.com.
Additionally, Jetson recently starred in a new scene for ShopLyfterMYLF. Playing “Officer Jetson” to Tyler Cruise’s “Office Cruise,” the pair deals with Yumi Sin after she steals a sex toy.
Watch a preview for the member-exclusive at ShopLyterMYLF.com.
“I really love working with [Evolved Fights creator] Ariel X and Oliver. I can’t wait to hit the mats again. It was super-close, but you’ll have to watch to see who won,” said Jetson. “And if this porn star thing doesn’t work out, I might have a promising future in loss prevention; ShopLyfterMYLF taught me that.”
Follow Jupiter Jetson on Twitter and access her premium social media links here.