Jiz Lee’s ‘Coming Out Like a Porn Star’ Named a Good Sex Awards Finalist
NEW YORK — Jiz Lee’s anthology “Coming Out Like a Porn Star” (ThreeL Media) has been named a Good Sex Awards finalist in the category of “Thought Leadership.”
The Good Sex Awards are organized by erotica author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel and sex-positive story website TheGoodBits.com. Lee is among 45 finalists in eight categories, including “Best Feminist Sex,” “Best Kink,” “Best Sexy Talk,” “Best LGBTQI Scene” and “Sexiest Consent.” Each category winner will receive $150.
“We are now including two winners in the ‘Sexiest Consent’ category to acknowledge the high volume and diversity of quality submissions that demonstrated the subtleties of active and affirmative consent, which we believe should be awarded and profiled. Unsurprisingly, no consent apps or contracts were featured in any ‘Sexiest Consent’ submissions,” noted TheGoodBits co-founder Carol Battle.
A panel of judges to select the winners will include “reviewers, entertainers, sex educators and authors,” among them Clementine Ford, broadcaster and bestselling author of “Fight Like a Girl”; Cindy Gallop, founder and CEO of MakeLoveNotPorn; Karen Hawkins, co-host of the “Feminist Erotica” podcast; reviewer Bree Hill; Emily Nagoski, author of New York Times bestseller “Come As You Are”; Zane, New York Times bestselling author; and Stoya, co-founder of ZeroSpaces.com and Slate’s “How To Do It” columnist.
Online voting is also open to the public for the “Readers’ Choice Award.” An additional category, the “Erotic Touch Award,” sponsored by the Pleasure Mechanics, will be selected at the judges’ discretion.
“My story ‘How to Come Out Like a Porn Star’ introduces the book and my role as creator and editor, which I still consider one of the highlights and proudest accomplishments of my career,” said Lee. “I compiled over 50 stories from contributors that are so powerful and important in relating to the stigma faced when working within a very public form of sex work.”
“I hope the nomination will encourage more to read these stories and take our issues to heart,” Lee added.
Winners of the Good Sex Awards will be announced during a virtual ceremony Wednesday, June 30, at 2:30 p.m. (PDT) via Twitter Spaces and hosted by Frolic Media.
Follow the awards online and on Twitter for updates and direct inquiries to info@goodsexawards.com.
Purchase “Coming Out Like a Porn Star” here and follow Jiz Lee on Twitter.