Jessica Stoya Launches ‘StoyaStack’ Substack

Jessica Stoya Launches ‘StoyaStack’ Substack

NEW YORK — Jessica Stoya has launched StoyaStack, her own Substack publication.

Located at, StoyaStack is launching with one free essay on the archetype of The Showgirl, plus the paywalled first chapter of Stoya’s memoir project “Feral,” describing her entry into alternative pornography in the mid-2000s.

StoyaStack will publish at least one chapter from “Feral” per month, and contain voice notes, video logs and Stoya’s signature op-ed style articles about the adult video industry and adult entertainment.

Paid subscribers will be able to interact in the comments section and in occasional chats.

“After chafing at  the linguistic censorship that accompanies any platform which allows hardcore images and videos, and the limitations of writing for mainstream publications, Stoya is ecstatic to have found a digital home where she is allowed to use the full spectrum of the English language,” a rep said.

Stoya expressed joy that she no longer has to feel “like George Carlin in ‘Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.’”

“The fact that nude images are allowed is a bonus,” the rep continued. “She does, however, bemoan the fact that her actual mother is an early subscriber, which is simply awkward.”

To subscribe to StoyaStack, click here.

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