IMC Acquires 2 New Paysites for AdultPrime Network
LOS ANGELES — International Media Company (IMC) has acquired MassageSins.com and TrannyBizarre.com (TB) to be folded into its flagship paysite network AdultPrime.com.
“Both sites could not be more different,” a rep said. “Whereas the MassageSins content is classy and glamourous, the TB material is a kinky mix of trans and BDSM content.”
The total number of studios available via AdultPrime now stands at 68, and “with bonus sites included, even 105,” noted the rep.
“We are always looking for new studios to AdultPrime, and of course, we are adding new material all the time,” said Roald Riepen, IMC’s CEO. “But this is the first trans studio in our network. So it is a great addition. And then, the complete opposite; MassageSins will certainly appeal to the majority of our current members.”
Find AdultPrime online and on Twitter.
The content is also now available for promotion via the PayBig affiliate network; for additional details, contact pb@sansylgroup.com.