Chromecast, FireTV to Become Top Porn Streaming Devices After Roku Ban
LOS ANGELES — After Roku’s ban on all porn channels became effective on March 1, leading content streaming services have switched their promotion strategies to elevate competitors Chromecast and Fire TV as the top choices for adult streaming devices.
According to a February report by Protocol tech journalist Janko Roettgers, who broke the story and sounded the warning immediately after Roku’s developer conference, AEBN “added Chromecast capabilities to its website in time before Roku pulled the plug on the company’s private channel, writing: ‘We sincerely hope this provides an alternative to the Roku channel for large screen viewing.’”
Adult Time, Roettgers added, “seems to have made Amazon’s streaming hardware [FireTV] its new platform of choice.”
Earlier this year, the service informed subscribers that “After Feb. 23rd, 2022, Adult Time will no longer work on Roku.”
“As an alternative, we recommend that you switch to a FireTV stick device, which are quite inexpensive,” the streaming service recommended.
Rottgers reported that Elegant Angel stated it was “exploring other options for television streaming and encourage you to do the same,” and SugarInstant suggested users view their content via “Playstation, Xbox, Chromecast and screen mirroring.”
Other companies affected by the ban include Pornhub, AdultEmpire, Wicked and Naughty America.
Back in November 2021, Roku announced a change of policy concerning private channels at its annual developer conference, which observers noted would result in an effective ban of porn channels by the beginning of this month.
Roku’s decision to effectively ban porn channels followed the service having become one of the targets of a well-funded campaign by religiously motivated anti-porn crusading group NCOSE (formerly known as Morality in Media).
This week, during the unveiling of their 2022 “Dirty Dozen” list of corporations to be targeted by their anti-porn activists, NCOSE gloated that the Roku ban was one of their 2021 “success stories.”