BranditScan Announces 1st Black Friday Weekend Sale
MONTREAL — BranditScan has announced a Black Friday sale, available all weekend, discounting its standard price for the first month a full 50% from $45 to $22.50.
“Creators looking to protect their brand can now receive their first month at a discount and can run their first free scan to see their level of piracy online,” said a rep.
The rep invited “those looking to see what stolen content is out there to take advantage of the sale.”
Marketing Coordinator Jessica Hookimaw expressed excitement over the company’s “very first Black Friday.”
“Our whole team has honestly had a great time putting together this campaign,” she said. “We are all looking forward providing the community with a chance to experience our tools at an even lower price and give some much-needed protecting to creators out there.”
For more information, follow BranditScan online and on Twitter.