GoAskAlex Talks Importance of Activism in New Hustler Profile
LOS ANGELES — GoAskAlex speaks about social activism and “leading the cause for change” in a candid new interview with Hustler.
The story, titled “Be the Change: XXX Stars Give Onscreen and Off,” penned by Missy Martinez, finds the 2021 XBIZ “Cam Model of the Year” discussing her aspirations of “sparking a meaningful revolution through on-the-ground activism, and her recent stand with Canada’s indigenous land defenders in an effort to protect old-growth forests approved for logging,” noted a rep.
Alex noted she recently took part in the Fairy Creek Blockade in Port Renfrew, Canada.
“Roughly 75% of old-growth forests in British Columbia have been logged. I am not in opposition to the logging industry; however, the logging of our ancient forests is not sustainable,” she asserted.
“I would recommend that all protesters be aware of their legal rights… knowing your legal rights is a great start and helps you protect yourself and those around you,” Alex advised. “Never underestimate the power of a phone call or letter. It’s easy to feel powerless as individuals, especially with so much injustice in the world. Educating yourself is a great first step, but never underestimate the power of your voice.”
Find the complete member-exclusive interview here and follow Hustler on Twitter.
In related news, Alex has recently been profiled by the New York Post.
Follow GoAskAlex on Twitter and find her premium social media links here.